Sample Me Up Mofo! (Completed)

Hello there

So it’s done! huzzah!

I’ve uploaded some screen grabs from ableton to explain what i did to each sound.

the sounds I used are as follows:

Chris Hoare – Leicester, England – memo.m4a
Hendrik Schlimper – Hamburg, Germany – mov00035.mp3
Daniel Bruegge – Munich, Germany – james yuill sample brezn.aif
Andreas Gustafsson – Gothenburg, Sweden – balconytintable.wav
Ruth Tapley, Nicola Bird, Kate Ormiston-Smith – London, England – VN 00004.amr
Aaron Coe – Suffolk, England – sound clip 10.wav/sound clip 07.wav/sound clip 05.wav
Olly@Junc Records – London, England – JUNC sample me up.mp3
Patrick McHugh – Donegal, Ireland – final.wav
Emanuela De Angelis – Pescara, Italy – edaxyuill.mp3
Sebasitian Clark – The Road – untitled 104.mp4
Nobuko Sato – Oita, Japan – zippo.wma
Fentiger – Cambridge, England – post it note.mp3
Sam King – Oxfordshire, England – sample3.mp3/sample4.mp3/sample2.mp3
Zac Wall – Missouri, USA – Intro.mp3
Christian Caterham – Brighton, England – wooden ruler on desk ruler.aiff

Apologies to Lucia Rubio – Obregon, Mexico. I couldn’t use the train passing as it was a bit too distorted. but thanks for sending it over!

A big thank you to those people that sent in samples.

I’m also aware there are some people who still want to send me samples…go ahead…there may even be a sample me up #2!

6 Responses to Sample Me Up Mofo! (Completed)

  1. Mark says:

    Hi James,

    As it’s along similar lines I thought you might be interested in a film I made a few years ago, I limited myself to using a flatbed scanner to produce all of the images, and asked my good friend Dogtanion ( to only use sounds in the soundtrack that he could capture and manipulate from the very same scanner.

    Should you be interested, you can see it here:

    Also, while I get the chance, I just wanted to say that your set at Green Man was the highlight of the weekend for both myself and my partner Laura. Good work!

  2. Mark England says:

    Superb!!! Love it! I was just about to send in a sample from my Ukulele, might do for part two! Any chance you got the tabs for “This Sweet Love”? A cheeky ask i know!! Superb though, love Part 1

  3. Fabts says:

    Hi James !
    First : really good song ! As usual !

    And…(i don’t find a subject about pukkelpop on your blog…)
    I was just in front of you during your concert at Pukkelpop ! It was really frustrating ! And all because of your mac ! I saw on your twitter you think it is because of the heat… On my opinion, the heat can slow your computer but can not malfunctioning your USB/midi configurations.

    I have a friend who has the same problem as you. Depending on the room where he is, the pc runs more or less, and especially the USB port does not work. We think this comes from the electricity on which the computer is connected. The USB ports are really sensitive to electricity.

    Maybe that is the problem….maybe not :s !

    In any case your acoustic concert was really excellent! You have a really nice voice!

    I started out in music (electronic of course) and I’m also using live. We could talk (twitter or whatelse) if you want and share some tips.

    I hope to see you in concert again!

    PS : excuse my english, i’m french 🙂

  4. John says:

    cool. really really cool.

  5. James (Fentiger) says:

    Fantastic piece of music James!! I’m amazed at just how fast you put this song together, its really very impressive. Some great samples used there and of course I’m chuffed to bits you choose to use mine… thankyou!

    By the way, is one of the samples a Champagne cork popping off? (at about 2.10?).

    Hope you had fun doing this project, just as much as I had recording myself tearing up post-it notes? haha!

    All the best and keep up the great work,


  6. […] audio samples that he then uses to make a track . The first version of “Sample Me Up” came out in August and now he is looking for new samples for “Sample Me Up 2″ . “They basically have […]

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